Spring Newsletter 2022
Kia ora Te Whanau! Here at Fergusson Home, we are celebrating the arrival of Spring. It has been a long and difficult Winter for residents and staff alike. Two lockdowns over the Winter months have meant, for many, missed time with whanau and friends. Thankfully, we are now open to visitors and opportunities to spend time with whanau, friends and outings is a very welcome event.
Although the ruling for masks has been relaxed from September 12, 2022, please be aware that the wearing of masks is still mandated by the government in aged care facilities. We also ask that if you take your loved one on an outing to a crowded place, on public transport, or visiting a person of high risk that you ensure that your loved one wears a mask to protect their health and well-being.
We would like to take this opportunity to announce the appointment of Louise Davey as our new Facility Manager, Director and part Owner. Louise is a registered Clinical Psychologist and comes with many years of experience with Community Mental Health, ACC and Performance Psychology with High Performance Sport NZ. As Manager, Louise will have clinical oversight from two Registered Nurses, Kulwinder Kaur and Ranjit Kaur, and two Enrolled Nurses, all with many years of experience. Also assisting are several Health Care Assistants with Level 4 certification as well as other Health Care Assistants continuing their education to attain Level 4 certification. Our staff also include our wonderful Diversional Therapist, 2 amazing Chefs, and several support staff that make Fergusson Home the welcoming and safe environment for your loved ones.
We have a new care suite in the rest home. This suite was an ORA (Occupational Right Agreement) residence, but has now been brought back into Fergusson Home as a larger suite for couples or a single person to occupy. The suite of rooms includes a separate bedroom, separate lounge/dining and separate toilet. Please ask the Facility Manager about the surcharge should you be interested in this suite.
We have the opportunity to have a very talented NZ athlete do a pencil or paint commissioned drawings of your loved one! Nicole is very talented and if you are interested, we can share her link, a sample of her work is on the right. Commissions start from $130.00.
Finally, as Owners and Directors, we wish to welcome you all back for visiting and spending time with your loved ones.
Nga mihi nui
Gail Temperton, Stan Alexander, Anthony Long, Pip Long and Louise Davey
Owners and Directors, Fergusson House Restcare Limited