Spring Newsletter - 2024
Dear Residents, Families, and Friends
As our Facility Manager Lou is away in Europe following her role as Clinical Psychologist for the NZ Para Olympic contingent in Paris, this newsletter is coming to you from our Operations Manager, Christine Mutlow.
It is so lovely to see all our spring bulbs blooming, and the blossoms on the trees as we welcome spring and look forward to longer nights and warmer weather.
We received positive feedback from residents and families to our resident’s satisfaction survey that went out in May, with a positive response rate of over 90%.
We greatly appreciate everyone’s input with this and also remind residents and families that if you have any issues or compliments around the facility please get in touch.
We welcome a number of staff to the Fergusson team:
Aroha Rask has joined us on a Thursday in the kitchen.
Nicole Balaho, Reshma Chhetri and Unnati Joshi have joined the healthcare assistant team.
Suba Liyanage, Amanda Edwards and Bailie Edwards have joined the housekeeping team.
With Christine being on leave over June and July, and Lou away in August and September, we were fortunate to have Lee Meijer join us to cover their absences. Lee has over ten years rest home management experience at Whare Aroha and later the new CARE Village in Ngongotaha.
Please join us in welcoming them to our team.
The unit holders recently enjoyed morning tea at Palmers Garden Centre. They enjoyed a wander through the nursery, admiring the plants and water features.
It is lovely to see some of the gardens and outdoor areas our village residents have created and tendered outside of their units.
We followed the Olympics closely and didn’t mind having to extend the medal table to accommodate the swag of medals our athletes won. Whilst “The Boss” was in Paris supporting the Paralympians, we also followed this event with interest – particularly learning the stories behind the athlete’s journey to becoming a Paralympian.
The death of Kingi Tuheitia, his tangi and burial and the naming of our new Māori Queen, Kuini Nga wai hono I te po, was of interest to most of our residents with memories of the Māori Queen’s death and tangi in 2006 being re-kindled.
We have representatives from various Churches visiting weekly with a Catholic service on Mondays, and interdenominational services on Wednesdays.
Our residents have been enjoying watching things blossom in the garden and sitting in the sun before it gets too hot.
On Daffodil Day we encouraged residents and staff to wear yellow and some residents joined in a daffodil painting activity.
Our Canine Friends visitors have grown in number to now regularly also include “Sprout” – the joy these visits bring to Fergusson residents is immeasurable.
Our regular activities continue, along with a few new ones thrown in to keep things interesting.
As the weather gets more settled, we will also be able to increase our outings, it is lovely to take our residents out for a drive and have them educate us on the history of the city!
We also have residents that for a number of reasons, do not attend activities, however they are, of course, important members of our Fergusson Family. They enjoy one on one time with all staff – the banter, reminiscing
conversations, chats about news items and laughter I hear from their rooms as their Care Assistants help them get ready for the day is delightful.
Residents and family are welcome to discuss current and possible future activities with me at any time. We also welcome family to share any information about our residents that might help us unlock some memories of times gone by.
Given how fast this year has gone, it probably shouldn’t be a surprise to me that discussions and planning have begun about Christmas! - Nicky B.
Due to an increase of Covid in the community, we had a small number of staff and residents’ contract Covid during July and August, which meant we had to implement some COVID restrictions
Unfortunately, our French morning tea was disrupted by this, with the residents being confined to their rooms. However we were able to deliver to them the delicious French baking Rowena, our Chef had prepared for it.
We continue to monitor the current best practice advice from Health NZ Te Whatu Ora for managing outbreaks and adjust our plan and guidelines to reflect this.
Don’t forget to update your emergency contact information with our front desk.
Should you have any questions, concerns or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. You can contact our administration office, reception@fergussonhome.co.nz or myself, cmutlow@fergussonhome.co.nz or Lou@fergussonhome.co.nz and we will be happy to assist you in any way we can.
Thank you for being a part of the Fergusson Home community.
Regards Christine